Medium and Low Risk Merchant Accounts

Most of the merchants in the E-Commerce industry are challenged to keep the balance between the increase of revenue and fraud levels. EU Merchant Account understands all of the complications and will help to find a perfect solution for any business not matter if you are a small, medium or large merchant. We have a well-established history of opening high risk merchant accounts which involves much more professional approach so you can be 100% sure that your medium or low risk merchant account will be safe, secure, hassle-free and convenient both for you and your clients.

Industries, which can be labelled as “Medium and Low Risk”:

  • Online retail
  • Online games
  • Non-profit and charity
  • Online magazines and digital content (incl. subscriptions)
  • IT (storage, clouds, software)

Technically any industry which has a statistically low level of fraud can be called low risk. Opening a merchant account in most cases helps to increase the revenue as the number of sales almost immediately rises due to the flexible payment options provided to the clients. EU Merchant Account can also provide several solutions which include MOTO transactions (orders received by mail or telephone), account in an offshore bank, recurring billing services and an interchange management system. All those solutions not only mitigate fraud risks, but also increase conversions.

If you are a merchant who is looking to take his business online or you are not satisfied with the services of our competitors, then you are always welcome to speak to our professional managers who will be able to assist you with finding more dynamic monetization solutions and can also guarantee a hassle-free setup with the use of latest secure payment technologies.

Obtaining a low risk merchant account in many cases requires a substantial amount of time and patience, as the process of the application can be extended due to the thorough analytics, but at the end it is well worth the effort. Many merchants have to undertake several business and credit checks in order to be eligible for low risk merchant account, but here at EU Merchant Account we have established our own, quick and simple way of determining whether your business falls under low risk or whether you would be better off acquiring high risk merchant account. Understanding the growing popularity of online payments via bank cards, it is very crucial for businesses to offer their clients an option to pay by debit or credit cards. Fewer and fewer customers use cash to pay for their purchases and inability to pay by card will drastically narrow the number of your clients down as well as giving advantage to competitors.